
Professional Guitar Articles

Articles for guitar players and guitar learning


Here is a collection of important articles for guitarists and guitar enthusiasts to download and print. The topics are important for everyone who is involved in guitar and guitar learning, so it is worthwhile to have a look and get some additional information. There are many useful articles, such as tips for buying a guitar, first steps on the guitar, pentatonics (minor and major) with the corresponding graphics and an extensive description and introduction to the modes.

If you have any questions or suggestions, it is best to join the HPCrazy Guitar Academy. There you can ask questions in the Students Club or discuss things in exchange with other students.

List on various topics

  • Buying a guitar
  • Important tips for buying a guitar.

  • Guitar - Motivation
  • An article which deals with the different phases of motivation in the course of learning to play the guitar and gives important tips on how to keep it up over a longer period of time.

  • Theory of the pentatonics
  • A short description of the pentatonic and its intervals and graphics - How to play the minor and major pentatonic on the guitar The examples are in A..

  • Picking techniques and pics
  • An overview of the most important guitar techniques and possibilities of striking the guitar strings.

  • The modes and the diatonic chord progressions
  • A comprehensive treatise and derivation of the diatonic chord progressions and the associated church scales.